Monday, March 24, 2003

Applauding Villains and Other Hollywood Silliness

I watched the Oscars last night and I saw some things that I just had to comment on. It was disappointing that Daniel Day-Lewis didn't win the Best Actor award at first. When Adrian Brody went up there and kissed Halle Berry like that and gave one of the best speeches ever, I was happy. Michael Moore made an ass of himself, in my opinion. I think it is wonderful that people have the freedom of speech in this country but there is still a certain sense of decorum that is needed when attending something like the Oscars.

The other thing I wanted to comment on was the attitude that can be found in Hollywood. It is strange to me that people applauded for the child raping fugitive, Roman Polanski, when he won Best Director and booed the President(the inverse of applauding Michael Moore's shameful speech). It seems that peoples' priorities are a little misplaced.

Miss Texas was robbed tonight in the Miss USA pageant. Boo!!!

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