Friday, November 07, 2003

A Paycheck & More About Pvt. Lynch

Ahhh. The feel of being employed again. I managed to get a new job today. Essentially I am hired, however, I must take a drug test tomorrow and meet with my new supervisor's supervisor. Now I can spread the legend of me to a whole new set of people.

I have mentioned Pvt. Jessica Lynch in previous posts. Her biography is about to be published and there is a new tantalizing fact revealed to the world. Her medical records show that she was anally raped by her captors. While this is most unfortunate, the quote that really got my attention was as follows:

"Jessica Lynch criticized military for exaggerating accounts of her rescue and recasting her ordeal as patriotic fable.... MORE.. Asked by ABCNEWS anchor Diane Sawyer if military's portrayal of rescue bothered her, Lynch said: 'Yeah, it does. It does that they used me as a way to symbolize all this stuff. Yeah, it's wrong' ... Asked how she felt about reports of her heroism: 'It hurt in a way that people would make up stories that they had no truth about. Only I would have been able to know that, because the other four people on my vehicle aren't here to tell the story. So I would have been the only one able to say, Yeah, I went down shooting. But I didn't' ... Asked about claims the military exaggerated danger of the rescue mission: 'Yeah, I don't think it happened quite like that'... "
Drudge Report 11-7-03

I watched Friends tonight. The actors are now chewing on the scenery. Can none of the members of the cast put their artistic integrity before their sizable paycheck and realize how bad their show sucks? If this were the first season of Friends it would be cancelled. This show is horrible.

The song that I currently can't get enough of is "What Happened To That Boy" by Baby featuring Clipse. It is featured in the wonderful new Adidas commercial for the TMAC3 basketball shoe. Give it a listen and feel it's power.

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