Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Britney's Mom Is As Insane As Her Daughter

I was reading the Drudge Report when I saw this article about Britney Spears' mother not being happy with the media's image of her daughter as being trashy. A mother's love for her child is known to be unconditional. However, her comments revealed that this stage mom is quite delusional.

Lynne mentions on Britney's website that she has come across numerous photos of her daughter portraying her as trashy. She says that Britney is not going to give into pressures of dressing in more favorable ways to please the paparazzi. Could the reason that the media as well as the world thinks of the fashionably challenged Britney as being trashy is because she is?

Careful - She's toxic!
The delicate butterfly that is Britney Spears

Britney has seemingly jumped on the same controversy bandwagon that Madonna as well as other celebrities have been riding for decades. Andrew Loog Oldham, the manager of the Rolling Stones on their ascent to stardom, once said that there is no such thing as bad publicity. However, none of the Rolling Stones ever mock masturbated while sitting in a large champagne glass for a mostly teen aged audience.

Britney has seemingly gone out of her way to show that she is no longer a girl, but a seriously confused woman. Her record sales, while still successful, are nowhere near what they were just a few years ago. Her onstage tongue kissing with Madonna at the MTV Video Music Awards caused controversy but didn't really boost record sales or sell out venues on her tour.

Britney made headlines by marrying her childhood sweetheart for a whopping 55 hours before having the marriage annulled. Months later she was engaged to one of her backup dancers and they announced their wedding plans as his ex-wife was about to deliver their second child. Definitely a classy catch for Miss Spears.

Britney's mother being mad at the media for them portraying her daughter as trashy is quite laughable. After all, Britney has done all of the work for them. One can only wonder what will happen next.
Hurricane Fever

Florida has taken a real battering over the past few weeks. No, it had nothing to do with the upcoming election or the infamous one of hanging chads or stolen elections, but with Mother Nature's tropical fury - hurricanes. The latest, Hurricane Ivan, is apparently going to travel up the western coast of the state.

The reign of terror began about 3 weeks ago with Hurricane Charley. It was expected to travel up the western coast of the Sunshine State and level Tampa. What Charley did was smash up much of the southwestern portion of the state, in locales like Port Charlotte and Fort Myers, then avoided Tampa altogether and attempted to level Orlando. There were many people in Orlando who had fled Tampa only to watch it uproot trees and taunt them from their hotel windows. These people included the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Many people were without power for over a week.

Soon after, Florida was rocked by Hurricane Frances. This demure sounding hurricane was to rock the Miami-Dade Broward area but hit farther north in Martin County. Charley weakened in Florida and traveled up to the coast and caused severe flooding in the Carolinas. People who were riding the tempest out in their storm shuttered homes started to go stir crazy after waiting for what could have been their pending doom. They couldn't even take their shutters down as yet another powerful hurricane was waiting in the tropics, Ivan.

Ivan has so far destroyed 90% of the homes in Grenada and is on record as the sixth most powerful hurricane of all time. It is currently over Cuba and is expected to hit the west coast of Florida and travel into the Gulf of Mexico. The people are tired of having to deal with gas stations out of fuel and super markets that are out of things like water, batteries, and other groceries.

Florida is said to have been fortunate for a few decades with weather patterns that would ultimately blow most hurricanes away from the state. Scientists have said that changing weather patterns and currents have now made the "Sunshine State" a hurricane magnet. With these high powered winds and the destruction that they and their tornadoes cause, one can only wonder if this is soon to be paradise lost.